

2012 Season

Edition No. 1

January 26, 2012







Happy New Season!  The 2011 Campaign is now officially concluded with the annual Winter Meeting now part of history, and we usher in a glorious new year of competition in this hallowed league with the unveiling of our new look for the Hot Stove League website.  What better way to celebrate our love of the national pastime and the Cornhusker state influence on our league than this magnificent photo of the Georgia Peach and our own Boy Orator of the Platte, William Jennings Bryan.  Never mind that “Billy” was a three-time loser in his quest for the presidency or that he was reduced to a doddering old fool in the Scopes trial by the titan of trial lawyers, Clarence Darrow.  More on the great William Jennings Bryan in future issues. 




On Friday, January 6, all thirteen members of the Hot Stove League gathered at Kastle Krause to celebrate the Chiefs’ majestic 2011 Campaign.  B.T. was the consummate host, providing delicious eats, ample good refreshments, fully-funded games of chance, and a virtual wardrobe of new habiliments gaily festooned with the championship Chiefs’ feathered logo (see below) and iconic Native American visage.  Brother Shamu was especially delighted, knowing now that he can proudly wear his five new articles of Chiefs clothing a combined total of at least 25 or 30 times before having to do a single load of wash. 


Have Brut, will travel. 


While the dozen recipients of B.T.’s largesse were uniformly pleased with all of their fine new garments, at least a couple of members reacted with raised eyebrows at the politically insensitive appearance of the new Chiefs mascot and logo model, Chief Drunken Savage. 



Let’s just say that it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to wear your new Chiefs logo tee shirt if you have any upcoming visits to Macy or Whiteclay. 





If memory serves, this was the first Winter Meeting with all thirteen team owners in attendance, which, if true, is either a stirring tribute to our beloved B.T. and a show of our mutual respect for and admiration of him and our desire to participate in the celebration of his second Hot Stove League championship; or, a clear sign of the recessionary times and our need to take advantage of free food, free booze and free clothing.  You decide. 




Next up on the Hot Stove League calendar for 2012 is The Draft, scheduled by agreement for the evening of Friday, March 30, at 6:00 p.m. sharp, in the sanctified draft headquarters of the Washington Room at Pansing Hogan Ernst & Bachman.   Pen this in in ink on your calendars, and start getting ready.  We all must make sure that we do not have a repeat winner of this transcendently competitive league for the first time since the dead ball era. 






As long as you have your pens out, block off April 27-29 (Friday-Sunday) for our 28th Hot Stove League Trip, this year to Miami to check out the superlative new home of the Miami Marlins, Marlins Park.  Mouse has already reserved six rooms at the New Casa Blanca on the ocean in South Beach for the evenings of April 27 and 28.  He has also checked out air fares, and has indicated that the best option seems to be flying out of Omaha on Delta on Friday the 27th at 7:20 a.m., arriving in Miami at 1:55 p.m.  For the return flight, Delta has a flight leaving on Sunday at 1:15 p.m., arriving in Omaha at 6:35 p.m.


There also are Southwest flights available, flying into Fort Lauderdale, but if you go this route, you will need to make your own transportation arrangements from Fort Lauderdale to our hotel in Miami.  Please get on the stick and get your flights lined up for the Trip.  You won’t want to miss this one!




Finally, I share with you now the box score below of the first Mount Michael Knights hoops win of the season, against David City Aquinas, on Tuesday night, breaking their lucky 13 skein of consecutive losses to start the season.  Talk about getting a monkey off your back!





And finally, a few pictures from our Winter Meeting for your enjoyment and entertainment. 

